Convenience Store Remodeling: A Successful Partnership

With over 260 gas station convenience stores in Pennsylvania and nearby states, Turkey Hill constantly works to keep its locations feeling fresh in a rapidly changing industry. Travis Martin knows what it takes to keep Turkey Hill happy. Since 2013, he has been working as the Horst Construction designated project manager for the Turkey Hill convenience store chain. Over the years, he has helped with hundreds of store remodels at 130+ locations.

Throughout these projects, Travis has certainly learned a thing or two about convenience store remodeling. Working in small spaces with short times frames has a unique set of demands and challenges. Below, he shares some of these insights into what it takes to successfully remodel sites.


Attention to Detail & Consistent Teams Keeps Projects Moving Smoothly

“Horst really invests in the management of the project. We know that we need to be especially attentive to details, great with scheduling, and coordinate every small thing to keep Turkey Hill projects moving along smoothly. We understand their business needs and strive to keep our focus on the client’s satisfaction.”

That attention to detail and the years of experience Horst has been working with Turkey Hill provide a clear advantage when it comes to scheduling and coordination. Horst’s designated employees and the subcontractors often remain the same from store to store. Because Horst is able to work with a similar team, they don’t have to add much cushion time to schedule for the unknown. This helps adhere to timelines and allows Horst to be in and out of the fully operational stores in a quick and efficient manner—often in a week or less!

Travis explains, “We understand that it is critical for us to have things up and running when we say they will be. When you are dealing with the public and working in an operating store like Turkey Hill, it is important to spot and work through problems quickly so you remain on time.”


Construction in Small Spaces with Short Time Frames Demand Effective Communication

“Everyone on the team is invested—we all have the same end goal, which is to keep Turkey Hill happy and keep the stores running smoothly. Because of that, everyone communicates very effectively, is very respectful, and makes sure that each team member knows what to do.”

Communication can really make all the difference when it comes to these types of projects. Working in a small space with a short time frame makes it that much more important for each person to know their role and have the same goals. Travis explained that there are many layers of communication necessary on these projects—at the store level, with associates and the store manager, as well as at the district, regional, and corporate levels.

Being involved with the projects from a very early stage is another way that Horst can add value to the client. Because Horst often works on several stores at a time, it is very important to be involved in the early planning stages to provide a construction-specific knowledge about the timing, budget, and intricacies of store remodels.

“We are lucky that Turkey Hill sees Horst as a Partner. We are able to be involved from the very beginning. They really seem to see and appreciate the value we have to offer as a construction partner,” says Travis.

commercial remodeling experts

If you are considering a commercial remodeling project and could use a valuable construction partner, we want to hear from you. Please contact Ryan Null, Director of the 3R Team®, for more information.


The post was originally published in March 2017 and was updated on March 9, 2020.

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