Use Videos & Photography to Engage Your Church in a Building Project

Getting your congregation engaged in your church’s construction project can be an all-around win. Not only can it give the project momentum and help with funding but working towards a shared goal can strengthen the sense of community.

That said, getting your congregation involved in the project process can be challenging. For many, construction will initially feel like something that’s happening to their church, not something that they’re part of. But there are things you can do to change that.

Visual media is a powerful and relatively easy way to shift the dynamic, making everyone feel more involved in the project. With the right application, videos and photos can help engage your entire congregation, developing a sense of ownership and excitement over the project’s ultimate goals.

As with everything from our favorite movies to the evening news, visual media can bring stories and events to life. And thanks to advances in technology and social media, it’s never been easier to make great content and share it with its intended audience.

Here are 3 ways to use visual media to get your congregation engaged in your church’s construction project.

Use Video to Share the “Why” Behind the Project

Depending on the nature of your church’s construction project, the reasoning behind it may seem implicit. But that doesn’t mean people won’t benefit from having that reasoning reinforced. Video can be a great medium to communicate this.

Previously, we worked with a church that did just this. Newton Square Presbyterian Church in Newton Square, Pennsylvania created a series of videos that share the goals and strategies behind their most recent construction project.

The project included an addition and renovation to the church, creating a new activity/multi-use space, and modernizing much of the existing building. They filmed leadership and staff communicating the numerous benefits of the project, allowing their personality and enthusiasm to shine through.

Another great way to communicate your vision for the project is through renderings. This can range from still renderings to entire walk-through videos. While these videos require a larger investment, they can go a long way in helping everyone visualize the final result.

By communicating why the church is embarking on a project, people will jump in and get involved because they understand how it will enhance the ministry and their church community.

Use Media to Share Regular Construction Updates

While sharing the project’s goals early on is essential to drumming up initial support, it’s important to keep that story going throughout construction. With video and photography, giving your congregation an inside look at the progress has never been easier.

On a recent project, our client State College Alliance Church produced a short video series that updated the congregation as the project progressed. It may not be practical for everyone to get up close to the work, but pictures and video tours can make them feel like they’re there.

Regular communications on the project as it progresses will help your congregation feel like a part of the process. Whether the project takes a few weeks or several months, sharing milestones will keep them engaged.

You may be able to get the construction project team involved in this as well. At Horst Construction, our onsite leadership can join in on these videos, giving insight into the intricacies of the project. We can also integrate drone images and videos that show a unique perspective of the building that may not be possible otherwise.

Horst Construction’s marketing team can play an active role in creating and producing these videos, freeing up your church’s resources for other projects. It all depends on how involved you’d like to be.

Capture and Memorialize the Key Moments

ground breaking church construction prayer walk church construction projectThroughout the project, you may hold certain construction-centered events to engage the congregation. This could include prayer walks, groundbreaking ceremonies, topping-out ceremonies, ribbon cuttings, and more. These events can serve as important milestone markers for the project and can help with fundraising efforts. They can also bring your congregation closer together.

Documenting these events is important. Whether it be a compilation video or a gallery of still photographs, they’ll help commemorate the event. Attendees will have something to look back on, and the images may spur those who did not attend to get involved in the next event.

Other Ways to Gain Support for Your Church’s Construction Project

There are plenty of other ways to invite your congregation into the process that goes beyond photos and videos. We have seen organizations use events, written articles, newsletters, social media, and project-focused websites.

It is also beneficial to weave the building initiative information and goals into the messaging of the weekly sermon series. Keep your congregation informed, excited, and focused on what you will gain through your construction project’s completion.

The possibilities are truly endless and are best when utilized as a part of the ongoing engagement efforts and with special consideration to what feels right for your congregation. We would love the opportunity to brainstorm ideas with you and help you find ways to engage and excite your worship family!

This post was originally published in January 2019. It was updated in May of 2020 and August of 2022.