Kicking Off the Construction Project…Correctly

football kick offThere is nothing more important about a construction project than starting off on the right foot. A project requires a lot of planning and preparation and the last thing you want to do is ruin all of the time invested by not giving your best effort at the very beginning.

So what does a good project kick-off look like?

Prior to the start of construction a detailed scope of work and schedule must be developed. Those two elements are critical to getting started. Of course the cost of the project is important, but without knowing what is being done and when it will be completed you really don’t have a project with a goal in mind.

The scope of work and schedule should be gone over in detail with all stakeholders prior to the start of the project. Any adjustments to those two documents should be made at that time. This often happens at the project kick-off meeting.

It is vital for all stakeholders be present at the kick-off meeting. This includes the Owner and all subcontractors working on site and sometimes vendors that are supplying major components to the project.

Clear and concise communication at the beginning of the project with all involved will get your project started off…correctly.

Click to learn more about our Preconstruction and Design-Build Services and how our process can evaluate your needs and keep the focus on your vision.  Contact Scott Burkholder at 717-581-9971 to learn more about how Horst can bring your vision to reality.

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