Leadership Law to Live By

If you’ve ever read John Maxwell’s, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, then you know what it takes to be a leader.

We selected the law that resonates the most with Horst Construction and that’s law #5: The Law of Addition.  This law states that leaders add value by serving others.

In the book, Maxwell says, “The bottom line in leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves, but how far we advance others.”

There are four guidelines within The Law of Addition that shape our leadership philosophy here at Horst Construction. We’ve created a short video to showcase how we put this principal into action.

The takeaway from this law is a simple, but powerful leadership rule: adding value by serving others, enables your team to achieve more.

Our President and CEO, Harry Scheid, reinforces this concept stating, “My personal mission statement is to be a positive influence on everyone’s lives that I have been fortunate to touch.”

If we want to be an effective leader, we need to ask ourselves one question – and it must be a part of our personal philosophy every day – and that is:  Are you making things better for the people who follow you?

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