Master Planning: Trust Matters

People often think that long-range planning only benefits big projects, but large scale projects aren’t the only ones that can benefit from the Master Planning process.

From the perspective of construction, Master Planning helps the building Owner to clearly define the need or desire for the project, determine who will benefit or be impacted by it, and in some cases involves many of those stakeholders, and how it is going to be accomplished.

At Horst Construction, we’ve had over 100 people involved in the Master Planning process and we’ve created over 300 spaces from a single Vision Casting meeting. As you can imagine, this type of plan requires multiple steps, strong communication and, of course – trust.

With that in mind, we decided to talk with our team and ask them to tell us what they believe generates trust. We are delighted to share this video with their responses.

We would love to hear from you. What do you believe generates trust?

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