Paint the Picture with a Scope of Work

How a Clear Scope of Work Can Save you $$$

Imagine for a moment that you are in an art class with five other people. The instructor has provided you with the materials necessary to paint a picture. He tells you to paint a field of flowers, with a stream running through it. At the end of the class, each of you brings your painting to the front. Undoubtedly, each painting – while they contain similar subject matter and elements – will differ. For one person, the flowers may all be red, while for another person, there may be a field with all of the colors of the rainbow represented. One of you may have painted your stream down the center, while another may have it winding down the side of the landscape. Because the instructor was conceptual, the end result was a variety of interpretations of the same instructions.

With a construction project, most Owners have a specific vision in mind. In order to set your project up for success, a concise Scope of Work is a must. While the clarity of information in the construction drawings is a huge piece of a project’s success, drawings alone cannot capture all the necessary details which make up the project.

The Scope of Work paints the picture of what is included – as well as excluded – in a project.

Thoroughly defining the Scope of Work does several key things to set a project up for success.

Initially, by digging into the nitty-gritty details to solidify the Scope of Work, the Owner and Construction Professionals create the necessary dialogue that ensures they are on the same page about specific finishes and overall feel that the final environment will have. A clear Scope of Work should indicate the materials required for each part of the project, including the structure, flooring, walls, ceiling, exterior, plumbing fixtures, electrical fixtures, and HVAC system. This helps the project team to define the items and level of finishes included, as well as rounding out the details of the project to create a strong picture of what the final environment will look like.

Secondly, a deliberate and well-written Scope of Work improves the Contractor’s ability to create an accurate budget for the Owner. The document eliminates much of the guesswork and provides the details required for accuracy in estimating and gathering information related to the project. In a bidding scenario, it levels the playing field and helps the Owner analyze the budgets in an “apples to apples” comparison.

Finally, the Scope of Work becomes another check and balance technique, as the drawings and specifications will be based on this document. It helps eliminate what is commonly referred to as “scope creep” as the design professionals already have a clear understanding of the project elements.

At Horst Construction, we take pride in thoroughly getting to know a project’s intricacies and working collaboratively with Owners and Design Professionals to help create a clear and comprehensive Scope of Work. It would be our pleasure to talk to you about your individual project needs.

help with project scope

For more information about Horst Construction and the buildings we construct for various market sectors, please contact us.

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