Role of Subcommittees in Construction Planning

Subcommittees play an important role in the journey of a construction process.  They are essential in getting more people from the entire organization involved in developing the vision and creating the basis of grass-roots support. 

  • As the core communication team reaches out to get more information, these subcommittees will bring the needs and priorities to further the organization to the forefront of the leadership.
  • Each member of the core team should lead or chair one of these subcommittees.
  • The subcommittees can be divided into programmatic groups, based on the type of organization and its functions.
  • The construction professionals can then furnish detailed questions for these subcommittees to answer at separate meetings.
  • The core team leader will facilitate these meetings and collect all the answers to the questions, any notes, and any other issues that arise, which could be quite invaluable information.

The core team leaders do not have to be the expert in these different programmatic areas…..the members of their subcommittees are the experts.  They have the knowledge and experience of what works or not, what functions the best or not, what layouts and equipment are a benefit or not.  They also have the “hands-on” experience with the present building conditions.

Since the construction professional will not be present at these subcommittee meetings, everyone should be comfortable speaking openly and honestly among their own colleagues about current and future needs.  After all of these subcommittee meetings happen, in a timely fashion, the core team meets at the Vision Meeting to share all of this information with each other and the construction professionals.

Continuing the communication and relationship with subcommittees throughout the construction project is vital to strengthening the foundation of trust, honesty, communication, respect, and the aspect of listening.

It does not mean that all of the input from the subcommittees is feasible in the project, but the open lines of communication can include the discussion of how their ideas are reflected, or why not, in the project.

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Click Here to learn more about our Master Planning Process and how Programming is used to evaluate your needs and keep the focus on your vision.  Contact Rick Lown at 717-581-9913 to learn more about how Horst can bring your vision to reality.

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