Volunteerism: The Mutual Benefit of Service

April is National Volunteer Month, which makes it a fitting time to discuss the importance of giving back. Sharing time and talent in the form of community service is what makes the universe a better place to live and work. But it’s certainly not all work and no play! Volunteers reap the rewards from their service, as well.

It’s only natural that volunteering offers the opportunity to connect with other people and make new friends and social contacts. It’s a great way to meet new people and even spend time as a family.

Volunteering is also beneficial for your mental and physical health. It increases self-confidence while providing a sense of purpose – and by default, can even help combat depression. For those who want to stay physically healthy, volunteer activities such as environmental or park projects can help you achieve your fitness goals while servicing your community.

It may be no surprise that people who volunteer are also happier than those who do not. In fact, a study from the London School of Economics and Social Science and Medicine found the more people volunteered, the happier they were.

Meaningful volunteer work can be relaxing and fulfilling, providing volunteers with renewed creativity, motivation, and vision that can carry over into other aspects of their life.

The employees at Horst Construction are no strangers to giving back – in fact, we take a community-minded approach in our core company values.  We asked members of our team to share why volunteerism is important to them and how they incorporate it into their daily life. This video reveals their responses!

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